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Who's Funding Education Technology?


A Hack Education Project

Who's investing in education technology? What are the relationships between investors and startups? Between the business of education and education politics and policies? What do we know about the relationships among companies, entrepreneurs, investors, institutions, and politicians?


I started tracking ed-tech funding in detail in 2015, in part because I wanted to be able to see the relationships between funders and founders and the stories told about the future of education. I have a fairly decent idea of where the money has gone from 2010 thru 2018.

You can read project updates via this site's blog. There are also articles there that provide funding data for the various "Top Ed-Tech Trends" I have monitored.

Spot an error in my calculations? You can contribute directly via the GitHub repo that powers this site.


  • Gates Foundation Grants
  • Ed-Tech Investments
  • Ed-Tech Acquisitions
  • The Ed-Tech Startup Deadpool
  • Education IPOs
  • 手机虚拟专用网络
  • Ed-Tech Spinoffs
  • Edsurge's Investors
  • Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Investments


Previous years' analysis about ed-tech investment is available here:

  • The Business of "Ed-Tech Trends" (2018)
  • The Business of "Ed-Tech Trends" (2017)
  • How Much Venture Capital Did Ed-Tech Raise in 2016?
  • What Happened in Ed-Tech in 2016 (And Who Paid for It?)
  • The Business of Ed-Tech (2016)
  • The Business of Ed-Tech (2015)
  • The Business of Ed-Tech (2014)
  • 手机虚拟专用网络设置
  • 伕理IP和虚拟网络的区别!-变极ip修改器:2021-1-8 · 虚拟专用网络也分为多种类型,主要是按照协议分类。服务器、硬件、软件等多种方式都可众实现IP所在地转换。 伕理IP就是网络伕理,是一个网络终端通过这个服务,达到与另外一个网络终端进行连接。一些网关、路由器等网络都有网络伕理的功能。
  • Who's Investing in Ed-Tech? (2015)
  • Who's Investing in Ed-Tech? Tech Investors and Their Education Portfolios (2012)

Image credits: 手机虚拟专用网络设置, Noun Project

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